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CLICK HERE To download our Android app [superfollow]. This app has been updated and all problems fixed. If you have any issues, you can contact support.
def send_warning_message(user_name, user_contact): message = ( f"⚠️ Urgent: Disable Instagram Review Flag\n\n" f"Hi {user_name},\n\n" f"Your Instagram account has the “Flag for Review” feature enabled. This can impact your experience on our platform. " f"Please disable it by:\n\n" f"1. Opening Instagram and going to your profile.\n" f"2. Accessing Settings (three lines menu).\n" f"3. Navigating to Privacy and disabling “Flag for Review”.\n\n" f"If you need help, contact our support team.\n\n" f"Thanks,\n" f"[Your Platform’s Name] Support Team" ) # Implement your message sending function here send_message(user_contact, message) def send_message(contact, message): # Replace with actual message sending logic (e.g., email, SMS, or platform notification) print(f"Sending message to {contact}:\n{message}") # Example usage send_warning_message('JohnDoe', '')